ANNOUNCE: parole 0.2.0 released

Ali Abdallah aliov at
Tue Jan 5 10:23:16 CET 2010

parole 0.2.0 is now available for download from

  SHA1 checksum: 0036851e343417c2d28d9067a7069de180f7aec3
   MD5 checksum: af1e911de73423304cab419d328e1da6

What is parole?

Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework
and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop.


Release notes for 0.2.0

I'm very happy to announce the first stable release of parole.

* Use g_key_file_get_locale_string to load plugin name and description.
* Fix unused Gst overlay expose on READY state.
* Provide a command line to be used to enable/disable xv, X Video
support might be missing for some drivers.
* Set the _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY_LOCKED wm hint, so xfwm4 keep us
* Provide an option to Enable/Disable resetting X screen saver counter
while playing movies
* Check for stream type before settings the live bit.
* Don't popup errors in the browser plugin.
* Fix seek backwards+add mouse wheel on the volume slider, patches by
Enrico Troger.


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