Web developers and contributors needed for xfce.org

Doug Laidlaw laidlaws at hotkey.net.au
Mon Feb 15 05:56:30 CET 2010

Hi Jérôme.

I may be able to help, but my skills are probably not of high enough standard.

Web sites I have personally created are at:

http://www.douglaidlaw.net/boykett/ - a 3-column setup I created from scratch 
following precedents, but eventually developed my own layout.

http://www.douglaidlaw.net/phpgedview/ uses PHP, but it is all supplied.

http://www.hotkey.net.au/~laidlaws/ - very old and not updated.  I am in the 
middle of updating the depression pages to a more modern format using CSS.

http://home.vicnet.net.au/~shlions/  My very first attempt. Started with a one-
page template and went from there.  I have now moved away from Swan Hill, and 
the Club isn't interested.

indexing for http://www.ryersonindex.org.

On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 08:57:38 am Jérôme Guelfucci wrote:
> Hello,
> We are looking for new persons to help us to take care of the Xfce web
> site (http://www.xfce.org/). We need a web developer/designer to handle
> the technical details and someone to improve/update the contents (can be
> the same person, but it would be nice to build a team).
> Our web site runs a home made PHP based CMS (with no online interface)
> which we would like to keep (improvements and bug fixes are welcome of
> course) for the time being. Though, its contents needs some love: some
> pages are strongly outdated, the style could be refreshed, some pages
> still use tables for layout, etc. We also need to find a solution for
> localization: the current system requires the user to translate raw PHP
> pages and often leads to errors when going live, up to the point that we
> are considering dropping translations. This will highly depend on the
> people who get involved in the web site.
> The web developer position requires a good PHP, HTML and CSS knowledge
> to be able to handle the different aspects of the web site. A good
> command of English to update/rework the different pages and make the web
> site easier to use, this also requires to follow the Xfce development to
> update the web site accordingly. Of course, this work can be done as a
> team if several persons step in. This is a good opportunity to start
> contributing to the Xfce project and this work will be appreciated by a
> lot of Xfce users.
> Please contact me if you are interested. Thank you in advance!
> Jérôme
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