Menus disappearing.

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Tue Apr 27 12:46:20 CEST 2010

Am Dienstag, den 27.04.2010, 20:37 +1000 schrieb Doug Laidlaw:
> If I run an Xfce session long enough, only the main Xfce menus remain.
> The "More: " submenu with all my KDE apps is no longer there.  Where
> has it gone?

I guess you are running Xubuntu, right? Xubuntu doesn't use the system
default menu but a customized one that is generated on the fly [1] . If
the menu plugin crashed, it respawns with the default menu. Or if you
are installing new packages, the menu gets regenerated which may lead to
problems too.

Please compare which menu file is used when the menu is complete and
when not. This should be the first step to investigate the problem.

> Doug.



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