Help needed

Raghavendra Prabhu rrprabhu at
Tue Sep 15 23:09:20 CEST 2009


Thank you for the response.

Yes Olivier did point me out to the source code that has the flag. I
was following Olivier's instructions and trying to track the source
code out for a higher level input parameter passing which may finally
lead to a configuration file.

So would the solution be to rebuild the xfwm4 with the flag disabled
already in the code and then use the built binary as the window
manager in my case? Would this be the fix?

Thanks & Regards,

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet at> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I'm not mistaken, Olivier invited you to look for this into the
> source code. I don't believe there is any configuration bit for this
> kind of changes.
> Regards
> 2009/9/15 Raghavendra Prabhu <rrprabhu at>:
>> Hi
>> I apologize for the repeat mails to the group.
>> I was working on disabling move  xfwm_flag_has_move.
>> What is the configuration file that i have to make changes in .
>> Where are the configurations saved when you use the windowmanager to
>> disable close, hide and shade properties using the window manager
>> settings. Can the settings for xfwm_flag_has_move be added in the same
>> file.
>> I have repeatedly looked at this for a while but have not managed to
>> find the configuration files. I am using XFCE 4.4
>> Prabhu
> --
> Mike
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