ANNOUNCE: parole 0.1.95 released

Ali Abdallah aliov at
Wed Nov 25 10:42:41 CET 2009

parole 0.1.95 is now available for download from

  SHA1 checksum: a21db35aa7201fdca59f17c7b6d5b16af42ffb9b
   MD5 checksum: 1583d980c23c795b40f94b88a981973b

What is parole?

Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework
and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop.


Release notes for 0.1.95

- Use taglib when compiled to get the media itle and display it in the
list instead of waiting for a tag message from gst to change the display
name while playing.
- Added -n command line to load parolw without plugins.
- Added XF86 button handler.
- Added an option in the media chooser dialog to enable/disable scanning
folders recursively for media files
- Handle CTL_O and XF86XK_OpenURL.
- Use cdda:// for audio disc, sine cdda:/ doesn't work!
- Give focus to media list view on GDK_Up and Down.
- Added an option in the media chooser to replace current playlist with
opened files
- Hide control full screen popup when switch from a desktop to another.
- Enter/leave fullscreen on double click on the video widget, thanks for
Enrico Tröger for the patch.
- Save stream tags when stream playback finished, should be safer.
- Added a power manager plugin to inhibit the power manager while
playing DVD/VCD/DVB...
- Added --device command line to be used with cdda:// dvd:// etc...
- Added browser media player plugin.

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