using 'printf' in a script in terminal window

Jerry gesbbb at
Sun Nov 22 12:25:21 CET 2009

On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 18:33:08 -0600
Mike McNally <emmecinque at> replied:

> According to
> the VT-102 "clear screen" escape sequence is ESC [ 2 J, and indeed
> when I run
>   printf '\033[2J'
> on those terminal emulators, the screen clears in each one.

Interesting! That occurs here also. However, I did notice that the
cursor is not relocated to the top of the screen. It remains at the
position it was when the printf '\033[2J' command was issued. Somehow,
that does not seem correct either.

Thanks very much for your feedback. I am in the process of creating a
bug report now.

gesbbb at


The chief enemy of creativity is "good" sense.


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