New Fedora 12 Xfce Spin available NOW!

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Tue Nov 17 19:53:55 CET 2009

Am Dienstag, den 17.11.2009, 19:39 +0100 schrieb Jannis Pohlmann:
> Hey,
> On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:36:50 +0100
> Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert at> wrote:
> > For more info, please visit
> The spins page looks really nice... but is that the xfdesktop bug where
> desktop icon labels are cut off that I'm spotting there in the main
> screenshot? ;)

I guess it is. :( I have no idea who made that screenshot, I submitted
another one. If the browser is shown, IMO it should be with ether the
Fedora or the Xfce website instead of Google.

You want me to make another screenshot or to fix the but correctly? ;)
If so, you the proper patch handy?

> Congrats! I might check it out the next weeks.

Christian and Enrico liked it. Christian said, It's the most "xfce'ish"
Xfce collection of packages he has seen so far. For Kevin, Adam and me
at Fedora, this is a great acknowledgment and motivation to continue our

>   - Jannis


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