xfce 4.6 desktop menu

samuel samuel.verstraete at gmail.com
Tue May 5 11:46:04 CEST 2009

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Matthieu Imbert
<matthieu.imbert at ens-lyon.fr> wrote:
> samuel wrote:
>> The standard launcher does have a "menu"... is that not sufficient?
> It's not perfect, for two reasons:
> - no way to bind a keyboard shortcut to its opening, you have to use the
> mouse
> - no submenus, so it only works for a few shortcuts but i won't be very
> convenient as soon as you have a lot of shortcuts that you would like to
> organize in a hierarchy

As a temporary work-around (till 4.8) you could create a special panel
with a couple of those "menu's" and organized by launcher... Sure you
still don't have sub sub menu's and no keyboard shortcuts... but at
least it could help you to bridge the gap till 4.8
You could even let that extra panel autohide so it doesn't get in the
way too much

> Matthieu
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