a problem with thunar

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Thu Jul 16 12:23:58 CEST 2009

On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 17:37:47 +0800
Spuch <spuch2006 at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi everyone,
> i'm used to mounting my internal partitions in left side pane of
> GNOME's Nautilus because they're just there,listed in Places.
> in xfce,i can't do that any more with thunar! how to solve this
> problem. hope any expert to help me.i like xfce's speed and i don't
> want to come back to GNOME.
> thx.

That's by intention. Normal users usually don't have any control over
internal partitions. So what's the point in displaying them if there is
no way to do anything with them (like mount/unmount).

Also, should users really be confronted with the concept of partitions?
I don't think so.

  - Jannis
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