my shortcuts stop working

Arnau Bria arnau at
Tue Jul 14 17:20:03 CEST 2009

Hi all,

some shortcuts stop working after a X restart. It's really strange
cause application ones still work, but "some" global ones not.

For example, with Ctrl+Alt+Arrow I can move between WS, but I have a
defined Ctrl+F1 (FN) to move between WS and it stopped working.

Also, icons from XFCE Menu has disappeared!
I don't know what other info I could provide...

I'm on gentoo:

[I] xfce-base/xfce4
     Available versions:  4.4.3 4.6.1 {alsa cups minimal oss xscreensaver}
     Installed versions:  4.6.1(05:18:45 PM 06/15/2009)(alsa cups -minimal -oss -xscreensaver)
     Description:         Meta package for Xfce4 desktop, merge this package to install.

Arnau Bria
Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity

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