ANNOUNCE: xfce4-dict 0.6.0 released

Enrico Troeger enrico.troeger at
Thu Dec 31 01:12:13 CET 2009

xfce4-dict 0.6.0 is now available for download from

  SHA1 checksum: af004096d6bd935d69b7ef3a989470e89c7be99b
   MD5 checksum: c371c5c0bbe45a2bfac336cfe01dfe01

What is xfce4-dict?

This program allows you to search different kinds of dictionary services
for words or phrases and shows you the result. Currently you can query a
Dict server(RFC 2229), any online dictionary service by opening a web
browser or search for words using the aspell/ispell program.


Release notes for 0.6.0

- Rework and improve presentation of the search results.
- Colourise search terms according to the search result for better 
  visual feedback.
- Add Speed Reader dialog to train fast reading.

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