xfce-screenshooter-plugin code change

Jérôme Guelfucci jeromeg at xfce.org
Sun Dec 13 13:31:36 CET 2009

houghi wrote:
> When you use the screenshooter plugin, the default file that it will be
> saved as s "Screenshot.png". If that is used, it is "Screenshot-1.png"
> The code for this is in screenshooter-dialogs.c 
> I have two questions:
> 1) What would be the code to turn it into "Screenshot.20091213-1344.png"
> 2) Would people be interested in this in general, so would it be
> interesting to file a bugreport and request it to be implemented.
> I know I want it, but that does not mean other people want it as well for
> whatever reason.
> houghi


That's not too hard, you have two options:

1) Wait one or two weeks to get the next stable release of 
2) Compile current git version

I implemented this some time ago, so no need to file a bug report ^^



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