xfce4-sensors error with hddtemp

Fabian Nowak timystery at arcor.de
Sat Mar 15 22:28:33 CET 2008


The Debian-only parameter is removed in Subversion.

Meanwhile, you can write a wrapper shell script or upgrade to svn.

Sorry for the inconvenience of the Debian manpages ;)


Am Samstag, den 15.03.2008, 08:37 -0500 schrieb Luo Hei:
> Im using XFCE4.4.1 under Gentoo, with kernel 2.6.24. I updated 
> xfce-sensors-plugin to with support for hddtemp and lm_sensors 
> and now I got an error, seems that the plugin is including an 
> unsupported hddtemp parameter: -F. I looked at rc file but I cant find 
> any way to modify the command line passed to hddtemp. Is there any way 
> to fix this?

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