Xfce process structure

Christian Kastner techmail at kvr.at
Mon Jan 7 01:56:20 CET 2008


I'm using libpam-mount to (u)mount my encrypted $HOME directory on login
(logout). The umount on logout always fails because some processes are
still accessing my $HOME after the PAM session has been closed. These
processes are still running because they were e.g. reparented to init.

This behavior has improved quite a bit from 4.4.0 to 4.4.2 - I attached
output snippets from `ps ajfx` from 4.4rc1 running on Debian stable, and
from 4.4.2 running on Debian testing. The most notable differences are
xfwm4, xfdesktop and orage now running in the session manager's tree.

Other processes however are not. xfce-mcs-manager for example continues
to run with cwd $HOME after logout, resulting in a failed umount attempt
by libpam-mount.

It somehow strikes me as odd that processes started within an X session
detach from it, but I'm a layman WRT to X. Therefore, I'd like to ask
the following questions:

1) Could the behavior now shown by xfwm4, xfdesktop et al be extended to
other xfce components as well, or is there a good reason for the current

2) Non-xfce processes (eg firefox) detach as well, but I've seen ps
output from other (non-desktop) WMs where this is not the case. Is this
detaching the usual case for DEs, or could this possibly be changed too?


Christian Kastner
PGP Key: AE90E13F

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