Enabling super (windows) key?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Sun Feb 24 23:44:33 CET 2008

Thomas Jefferson wrote:
> I've tried 
> setxkbmap -model 'pc105' -layout 'us' -option
> 'altwin:super_win'
> but that doesn't work properly no matter what DE i'm
> in; all it does is move the window to the bottom right
> or left of the screen if the window isn't maximized.
> I also have
> Option		"XkbOptions"	"altwin:super_win"
> in my xorg.conf file under the keyboard section, but
> that doesn't do anything from what i can see.
> Any other methods?
> BTW, i'm running GTK+ 2.12.0.

What does xmodmap say about your modifier map?  If Super_L/Super_R 
aren't in there, they won't work as modifiers.


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