Looking for mailwatch app

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Sat Aug 30 03:03:28 CEST 2008

Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2008-08-29, Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu> wrote:
> How does notify-send work without using any screen space?

It pops up a small notification box that disappears after a (usually 
configurable) amount of time.

>> Maybe I could add some placeholders so you could do something
>> like "notify-send Mailwatch 'You have %n new messages in
>> mailbox %m'".  Someone should file a feature request ^_^.
> I'm going to get it going the way it is first. :)

Right... I'd need to make code changes for that to work anyway.

> Some people run filtering programs that suck mail out of INBOX
> and sort it into other folders, so they might not want a
> mailwatcher monitoring INBOX.  The way I handle my mail is
> probably a bit weird. In my case, I bypass INBOX altogether and
> use procmail to sort incoming mail into various folders
> underneath a directory named Mail.

I do that too, for a lot of mail, but my personal mail usually ends up 
staying in INBOX.  Ah well... different ways to deal with the bazillions 
of messages we all get.

> The other reason I'd do it is so that I can turn up the logging
> level in my IMAP servers so that they log all login/logout
> events.  With mailwatchers on 3-4 machines logging in/out of
> the server every minute (or even every 10 minutes), that
> creates quite a bit of noise in the server log.  If the
> mailwatchers kept connections up, then I could have more
> detailed IMAP logs.

Well, they wouldn't be more detailed, just have a higher S/N ratio.  I 
imagine it shouldn't be too hard to filter out the periodic hits, though.


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