xfwm4 problems

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Wed Aug 20 14:44:02 CEST 2008

Nathan England wrote:
> I think it may have to do with the click speed, because I do not need to 
> double click anything only single click to open programs or folders in thunar, 
> and a single click on the title bar will maximize it. I turned down the double 
> click speed in xfce, but it made zero difference. 

I had this problem on another box -- it turned out (I think) that both 
the 'mouse' and 'evdev' X drivers were detecting the same mouse, and so 
one click was getting detected as two.  Not sure if this is your 
problem; weird that it wouldn't show up in twm... unless double-clicking 
still lets you move things.

Try running 'xev' in a terminal, and click in the window while watching 
the output in the terminal.  See if you're getting duplicate mouse events.


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