Sample plugin

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Sat Apr 19 02:08:18 CEST 2008

On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 16:10 +0200, Nick Schermer wrote:

> > Oh, that's in the sample plugin source?  Tsk, tsk, no good.  Odd, 
> > it's correct in SVN.  Maybe the source tarball you have is old?  Not
> > sure --
> >  Nick, maybe you know?
> Not my fault. This has been -1.0 since the initial import and the
> tarball on doppio is also correct. Joe probably changed this during a
> desperate attempt to get things working ^_^. 

	Now that's always a strong possibility.  Some of us suck at using
version control so we can never remember what kind of changes we make.
It's not uncommon to make multiple changes in one go, too.  The only
time I used anything like that was in the mainframe days.  The version
control was transparent in CA-ROSCO and TSO/ISPF.  (Two points if you
know what these are without doing a web search)

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