Xfce 4.6.0 release milestones

Moritz Heiber moe at xfce.org
Sat Apr 12 22:36:46 CEST 2008

After following the developer discusion on the mailinglist I whipped up
a wiki page summing up the general release process and providing dates
and terms for the upcoming Xfce releases leading to the final
installment of Xfce 4.6.0.

--> http://wiki.xfce.org/milestones_to_46

These dates may change .. yet, so far they've been well recieved by the
general developer community. The number of releases and the
corresponding terms are pretty much fixed.

What to do now?

As a developer .. make sure your roadmap entry [1] is up-to-date and
watch out for further adjustments to the milestones page. Think about
what you can do during the release process and tell Stephan Arts
(stephan at xfce.org) about it. Check our bugtracker and and mark all your
bugs with the right 'milestone' tag (once the right milestone tags have
been created .. Brian?!) so we all get a good and clear overview about
what needs to be done in order to achieve a consistent release. And of
course .. hack away!

As a translator .. make sure you're catching the right date to start
translating the seperate components after the string freeze.

For everyone else .. think about contributing! There are many different
parts of Xfce in need of attention and love (for details check the
roadmap [1]). If you want to help out contact the maintainer of the
corresponding component or write a mail to the Xfce4 development list

Now .. GET TO WORK! ;-)



[1] http://wiki.xfce.org/roadmap_to_46
[2] http://foo-projects.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev

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