PCMan as dafault file manager

Filipy Galiza Soares lyceuhns at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 04:47:47 CEST 2008

Hi there,
well, i've tried some things, like to disability the desktop manager
by Thunar and setting  the PCMan as the desktop manager. Ok, very
nice, but the PCMan is not my default file manager, not fatal to the
system, but uncomfortable to me, everything that want to open a file
manager, always open Thunar, for example: i've set the usb stick to
open the device when it's plugged, and again it goes with Thunar.

I don't want to take Thunar away from my system, i just want that
Thunar opens when i want and only this, else goes with PCMan.

Anybody? Any ideas?

Thanks for attention.
See ya! o/

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