Enable Debugging output from desktop menu commands in XFCE 4.2?

Colin Stuckless cstuckless at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 20:57:08 CEST 2007

Is there a way to turn on debugging output for commands launched from
the xfdesktop menu in XFCE 4.2?

The reason I ask is that I've got a menu entry that looks like this:

<app name="OpenWorks R2003.12" cmd="/users/env/prod/ow.csh" visibile="no"/>

The cmd is a csh shell script which sets ups some variables and paths
(via setenv statements) and then launches the application startup
script which is a separate sh shell script.

This works fine when I am logged in locally on my workstation, however
when I log in remotely to an indentical machine running ThinAnywhere
(a VNC like remote connection solution) the same command does not
work. I suspect it relates to the setting of the $DISPLAY or something
similar, however the xfdesktop menu option produces no output and I
can't see where/why it's failing.

If I bring up an xterm within the ThinAnywhere session and run the
same /users/env/prod/ow.csh command, it launches fine. Setting it to
"Run in Terminal" also doesn't work - I see a Terminal flash up
momentarily but it disappears and my application doesn't start.

How can I see what's going on when the xfdesktop menu runs my command?
Also, can I control what type of Terminal it runs in when I specify
"Run in Terminal" (i.e. my default Terminals are 'xterm -ls'
terminals), not gnome-terminal or another terminal application.


Colin Stuckless
cstuckless at gmail.com

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