Thunar: Decreasing the size of rows in detailed list view

Eris Free erisfree29 at
Tue Sep 4 05:31:38 CEST 2007

Hi all,
Is it possible to make the size of each row smaller in Thunar when viewing a
directory in Detailed list view?
I have certain directories in my system with hundreds of files and it will
be much easier if I can see more per screenful.
Zooming out all the way doesn't seem to be exactly enough.

I have tried decreasing the size of text in my system in XFCE's user
interface config, but even if I set the system font to 6 point Sans (which
is tiny and is an overkill way of fixing this problem) the size between rows
is still pretty big. That is to say, the size of text is a lot smaller, but
there is still lots of wasted space.

Below is an example of the problem I am describing:

Here it would be possible to fit twice the amount of files in view, if only
the "size" of the rows were smaller.
Is it possible perhaps to zoom out farther than what Thunar allows by


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