Kill, must kill!

Jonathan Hepburn jonathan.hepburn at
Mon Oct 29 23:44:40 CET 2007

On 10/30/07, Jonathan Hepburn <jonathan.hepburn at> wrote:

> Perhaps I should have said "So devilishly hard to _find out_ how to
> change GTK behaviour using a text editor". Gnome has had its arguments
> over hiding advanced options, so lets not go there. All I want is to
> be able to prevent Firefox jumping up on a different (focused)
> workspace, which I believe to be possible but haven't ever tracked
> down (granted, I haven't put a massive amount of time in).

Hello, I typed too soon:
Will have to try that when I get time at home. I could swear I have
read previously that the problem with Firefox was in the GTK
behaviour, which side-stepped windowmanager settings. But, maybe not.


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