ANN: ristretto version 0.0.7 released

Harold Aling h.aling at
Mon Oct 1 09:53:38 CEST 2007

On Sun, 30 Sep 2007 19:46:35 +0200, "Liviu Andronic"
<landronimirc at> wrote:
> On 9/30/07, mmassonnet at <mmassonnet at> wrote:
>> You already have SPACE and BACKSPACE, why another way?  Is it your way?
> The default should probably be exactly as Stephan feels it should be.
> It would however be nice to be able to easily customize all the  key
> bindings. On a side note, I found very practical the key bindings of
> Mirage: Use <arrow> keys for next/previous navigation, <home> and
> <end> for first/last in the loaded directory, <ctrl>arrows for
> rotating the image, the eternal <ctrl>s to save the modified image
> (the latter two, of course, if minimalistic editing is intended). In
> my view, such keybinds are intuitive. What Harold suggests, <page up>
> and <down> for first and last, would aso prove practical.

I always thing that anybody should be able to use a program, so if you can
bind logic keys to functions, even if there binded already to other keys
you should do it.

To me, the arrow keys for navigation feel very natural for next/prev and I
guess I'm not the only one. page up and down is questionable for begin and
end, but it at least should skip a lot of images...

In a lot of other programs (i.e. Thunar, Firefox, etc) zooming is bound to
ctrl+scrollwheel (down=zoom in), so I'd expect the same in an image


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