Mandriva and XFCE

Jerome Soyer saispo at
Wed May 23 14:41:43 CEST 2007


We are proud to announce the creation of a user community dealing with
XFCE in Mandriva Linux. It's not a fork or stuff like that, the purpose
is only improving the support and the integration of XFCE in Mandriva
Linux and also helping Mandriva.

I think this creation it's very important as I maintain XFCE for one
year and I have almost no return about it, less bugs on it, etc. The
latest version is very stable and more and more people are using it.
You can see the devel of your friend "Xubuntu" ;-)

The primary goals to this community are :

 * To improve support, development, and usability of XFCE under
Mandriva Linux.

 * To help XFCE devel with bugreports, etc...

 * To have a Mandriva XFCE desktop integration with ia_ora theme for
example (included in the Mandriva Free CD/DVD), and ideally with the
creation of a One CD with XFCE

 * To write a list of application which can be easily integrated with
XFCE desktop (i.e: Abiword, Gnumeric, Claws-Mail, etc..)

 * To package more apps, more applet or other things for XFCE.

 * To help director of projects who use XFCE under Mandriva for their
works, personal activity, association, etc...

For this action, we have created 
 - a WiKi page on the Mandriva Wiki [1]
 - an irc channel on Freenode (#mandriva-xfce), for quick communication
around this project.

I wish to send a big thanks to Scara who helps me on this task for
organisation (and uses XFCE) ;-)

We hope that XFCE users (and other WM users) will be interested in
making XFCE better in Mandriva Linux with us.

Thanks for your attention, and we wait you on the wiki or on IRC ;-)


Jérôme Soyer (saispo at 
Annaïg "Scara" Denis (scarabeille at

Jerome Soyer aka saispo
<saispo at> - Mandriva
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