How long til multiple calendars in Orage?

juha kautto.juha at
Wed May 9 23:12:17 CEST 2007

somethin2cool kirjoitti:
> While it could be argued that Orage does not need to support this 
> feature because it is a minimalist / lightweight application, the lack 
> of any method to work with multiple calendars prevents Orage from 
> playing nicely with other calendar applications which do store data in 
> multiple files. While that isn't Orage's problem exclusively, it seems 
> senseless to deny such a feature and cause incompatibility.
Who has denied it?
Incompatibility to what?
I am not sure what you mean, but most of this is
supposed to be available in Orage 4.5 now.
Why should Orage store data in many files?
> So is this planned? If so for which release?
Depends what you mean. Do you have a specific need?
tells what Orage has.
> It could be done through loading all ical files in a directory or by 
> using a file comparable to Mozilla's (relatively new) storage.sdb I 
> would favour the ical method since it is almost universally compatible
Orage let's you load your files where ever you want them.


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