Rippling effect when moving windows or scrolling

TerryJ listmail at
Sun Mar 11 03:07:48 CET 2007

Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> TerryJ wrote:
>> Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>>> Use wmtweaks to disable compositing:
>>> Settings => Xfce 4 Window Manager Tweaks => Composior (last tab or the
>>> right) and disable compositing.
>> Thanks.  There is no such tab.  That value in wmtweaks.xml is set to 0.  
>> Which means disabled, doesn't it?
> So there is another possibility. Does it happen in Terminal? The vte
> widget that Terminal uses can make use of the ARGB32 visual if available.
> This can be very slow, even when not using a compositor. In that case,
> make sure you disable the composite extension completely so that ARGB32
> visual are not available.
> In xorg.conf (usually /etc/X11/xorg.conf), make sure the option is set
> to disable:
>     Section "Extensions"
>             Option "Composite" "Disable"
>     EndSection
> Cheers,
> Olivier.

Thanks.  That verse is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf-vesa but is commented out.

The effect does NOT occur in Terminal when scrolling.  The terminal 
window is affected just the same as others when being moved.

I've specifically tested scrolling in Konqueror,, 
Thunderbird and Firefox.


Regards, TerryJ

Using Xfce on PCLinuxOS 0.93 and KateOS 3.2.

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