Desktop questions

Markus Hoenicka markus.hoenicka at
Mon Jan 29 10:17:57 CET 2007

Hi all,

I've just upgraded to 4.4, and I have to admit I'm impressed :-) However, there
are two minor issues that I'd like to mention:

1) Thunar allows me to activate (i.e. open or run) items with a single click.
However, this setting apparently has no effect for the icons on the desktop,
although they are handled by Thunar according to the docs. I'd soo like to
avoid doubleclicking. Is there any hidden config option to achieve this?

2) I'd like to have the option to create links to items on my desktop instead of
copies. Thunar does have that "Send to..." entry in the context menu, but first,
this is not very intuitive compared to drag and drop, and second, I still
couldn't kick the habit of using rox as a file manager. Is there some hidden
trick to create links from the desktop by drag and drop?


Markus Hoenicka
markus.hoenicka at
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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