XFCE 4.4 and Debian Etch?

Niki Kovacs contact at kikinovak.net
Tue Jan 9 10:16:56 CET 2007


I've just installed Debian Etch on a handful of machines in our "salle
multimédia" (Montpezat, South France). I thought Etch would ship XFCE 4.4, but
as far as I reckon, there's been a freeze, which means we have a somewhat
bizarre mix of 4.4RC1 and 4.4RC2. Nghhhh!

Anybody knows about a way to circumvent this? There have been some sensible
translation efforts made between the two release candidates, and it's sad they
aren't officially available.

Jesus... the next stable is not out yet, and I'm already considering backports.
Chat échaudé craint la charrue avant la peau de l'ours (this is for the french


Niki Kovacs

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