Appropriate display manager for XFCE?

Landry Breuil landry.breuil at
Sun Feb 25 21:53:17 CET 2007

2007/2/25, Peter <pmatulis at>:
> I have xfce4 running with Gentoo and I would like a display manager.
> What's bugging me is that I am using xfce because it is light and
> gentoo tells me I need almost 100 MB download if I want KDM and a
> little better for GDM.  I have seen screenshots of XDM and it is
> butt-ugly.  Any comments on this?

You may want to try slim login manager, or qingy.  And XDM can be really
beautiful if you take the time ton configure it (google for xdm
configuration Xsetup)

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