Centered window titles in taskbar...

Myles Green rmg57 at
Tue Feb 13 13:06:47 CET 2007

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:33:09 +0530
Biju Chacko <botsie at> wrote:

> Harold Aling wrote:
> > @ = an orange red panda around a blue-ish globe
> Have you thought that it might be a *fox*? A fiery fox?
> :)
> Admittedly, it *does* look a bit like a Red Panda.
> -- b

 ...also known as the Lesser Panda, Bear Cat or
Fire Fox...

This snippet was taken from the above wikipedia link... interesting
that they would actually refer to it as a "fire fox". Maybe it's
*supposed* to look like a red panda after all?

Just an observation made half way through my first cup of coffee...


Myles Green
Geek by nature. Unix by choice.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. 
It's already tomorrow in Australia" (Charles Schultz)
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