xfce-mcs-manager-CRITICAL... RESOLVED

gv gvlistes at bluewin.ch
Sun Feb 11 15:29:28 CET 2007

Olivier Fourdan wrote:

> This is an installation issue. You may have different partial
> installation laying in different paths.

> Log on as root (where it works as I understand it), and do a "which
> xfce-mcs-manager"
> Then log on as a regular user and redo the same "which
> xfce-mcs-manager". Does it gives the same results?

    A huge thank you Olivier! The rpm had installed in /usr/bin while a 
precedent installation (probably an unsuccessful installer session) had 
put it in /usr/local/bin...

    I renamed then deleted the second one and everythin is fine now. ;-)

    Thanks again.

    Et mes plus vives félicitations pour cet extraordinaire Xfce.



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