Ristretto doesn't rotate with respect to EXIF data

none dark_mail at gmx.net
Tue Dec 11 23:49:35 CET 2007

Stephan Arts schrieb:
> On Dec 10, 2007 2:46 PM, (none) <dark_mail at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Erik Harrison schrieb:
>>> On Dec 10, 2007 2:03 AM,  <dark_mail at gmx.net> wrote:
>>>> Stephan Arts schrieb:
>>>>> On Dec 10, 2007 1:23 AM,  <dark_mail at gmx.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Both the versions (didn't test earlier ones) 0.0.14 and 0.0.15 seem to
>>>>>> ignore the orientation information in EXIF metadata, thus not rotating
>>>>>> pictures, although the changelog for 0.0.6 claims different (if I read
>>>>>> that one correctly).
>>>>>> I checked that EXIF data are stored with the pictures (jpeg format), and
>>>>>> manual rotating works.
>>>>>> System is Gentoo Linux 2.6.23
>>>>>> Is that issue known, or is there an error on my side?
>>>>>> Can give more info if needed, after a cup of sleep ...
>>>>> Are you sure the EXIF-data is correct?
>>>>> I have seen several times that even though cameras store the EXIF
>>>>> data, (and the Orientation tag which is used to rotate the image) the
>>>>> Orientation-tag does not give the correct information.
>>>>> -
>>>>> Stephan
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>>>> Seems like you are right.
>>>> But still it is a bit weird.
>>>> Pictures from my Canon A630 are rotated properly with DigiKam, they have
>>>> an "Orientation" and an "Auto Rotate" tag, pictures from another camera
>>>> have only the "Auto Rotate" tag, and those are rotated by Ristretto
>>>> correctly.
>>>> But even if I change the AutoRotate and the Orientation tag by hand,
>>>> still my pictures aren't rotated at all (changing from 270 CW to 90 CW
>>>> should make a change, after all). I even deleted and later readded the
>>>> Orientation tag, still no luck.
>>>> exiftool and exiftags show the tags, so I thought the format should be
>>>> fine, but it looks like it's not.
>>>> What's happening here?
>>> I realize that it's not my application, and I'm not hugely
>>> knowledgeable on the subject, but would it perhaps be handy to post
>>> the exif data itself?
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>> Here you go.
>> Ristretto only refuses to rotate the pictures of my PowerShot, the
>> pictures of the other camera models (IXUS and D400) don't give me any
>> problems.
>> Strange
>> By the way: What library/program does Ristretto use to get the EXIF data?
> Ristretto uses libexif.
> Could you please execute `exiv2 -pt {filename.jpg}` and post the results?
> I am having a hunch, but I need that data to confirm.
> Regards,
> Stephan
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OK, here the data (hope it helps you, I just got more confused by the 
Orientation tag or better by the absence of it ...)
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