Ristretto doesn't rotate with respect to EXIF data

dark_mail at gmx.net dark_mail at gmx.net
Mon Dec 10 08:03:34 CET 2007

Stephan Arts schrieb:
> On Dec 10, 2007 1:23 AM,  <dark_mail at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Both the versions (didn't test earlier ones) 0.0.14 and 0.0.15 seem to
>> ignore the orientation information in EXIF metadata, thus not rotating
>> pictures, although the changelog for 0.0.6 claims different (if I read
>> that one correctly).
>> I checked that EXIF data are stored with the pictures (jpeg format), and
>> manual rotating works.
>> System is Gentoo Linux 2.6.23
>> Is that issue known, or is there an error on my side?
>> Can give more info if needed, after a cup of sleep ...
> Are you sure the EXIF-data is correct?
> I have seen several times that even though cameras store the EXIF
> data, (and the Orientation tag which is used to rotate the image) the
> Orientation-tag does not give the correct information.
> -
> Stephan
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Seems like you are right.

But still it is a bit weird.
Pictures from my Canon A630 are rotated properly with DigiKam, they have
an "Orientation" and an "Auto Rotate" tag, pictures from another camera
have only the "Auto Rotate" tag, and those are rotated by Ristretto
But even if I change the AutoRotate and the Orientation tag by hand,
still my pictures aren't rotated at all (changing from 270 CW to 90 CW
should make a change, after all). I even deleted and later readded the
Orientation tag, still no luck.
exiftool and exiftags show the tags, so I thought the format should be
fine, but it looks like it's not.
What's happening here?

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