GTK / Xfce audio CD burner?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Tue Aug 21 06:10:09 CEST 2007

On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 16:27:31 +0200, "Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby"
<mihamina.rakotomandimby at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 06:50 -0700, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>> Well, you might want to take Firefox off the list too, as it's a
>> "commercial" program as well.
> Tehcnically, Firefox is closer to GTK and Xfce than Opera.

Oh, I agree - I'm just pointing out that "commercial" is a retarded
distinction.  Many (most?) large-ish open source projects are commercial
nowadays, or at least heavily commercially-supported.  The real difference
between Opera and Firefox is open source/closed source.

Personally, I don't have a problem with that -- I know people who use Opera
with Xfce because they either think a) it's a better browser, or b) it's
faster, uses fewer resources, etc. than Firefox, the latter of which is
something that Xfce values.


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