xfce does not fully quit

Alexander Toresson alexander.toresson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 12:48:42 CEST 2007

On 4/16/07, Todd and Margo Chester <ToddAndMargo at verizon.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
>     I just installed xfce- on a
> fresh Cent OS 5 (RHEL 5 clone) server.  Before I realized
> I was in run lever 5, I was playing around in the console
> and install things (like xfce, and x configuation).
> Everything seemed to come out okay when I rebooted in
> run level 3, except I can not fully exit xfce by pressing
> the exit button.
>     When I exit XFce, the wallpaper stays (light blue)
> and the task bar stays (all grey).  I can right click in the blue
> and get the same menu as when xfce is running.  If I select
> "quit" I loose the ability to right click and get a menu.
> I have to <ctrl><alt><backspace> to get all the way out.
>     How do I clean this up?
> Many thanks,
> -T

How are you starting Xfce?

Regards, Alexander Toresson

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