XFCE Screensaver disable? -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Tue Sep 19 21:45:55 CEST 2006

Robby Workman wrote:
> Bob Goodwin wrote:
>> Can someone tell me how to disable the screensaver and lock in 
>> FC5/xfce?  I've tried to disable it from gnome and kde but have not had 
>> any success?
> Well, if you don't have the settings manager option for it (which 
> is another problem that you need to solve, but that's another 
> thread), then you can edit your xinitrc script.
> In /home/$USER/.config/xfce4/xinitrc, you'll find these lines:
>   # Launch xscreensaver (if available), but only as non-root user
>   test $UID -gt 0 -a -z "$VNCSESSION" && xscreensaver -no-splash &
> Comment them out and xscreensaver will no longer start for you.
> If that file doesn't exist, then copy the system default from
> /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4 and place it in /home/$USER/.config/xfce4,
> then edit the copy in your home directory.  Of course, you could 
> edit the system-wide default, but it will get replaced on upgrade.
> RW
I've gone through the RPM's listed in yumex but
could not determine which one contains the "screensaver
settings" item that I am missing.  If anyone knows what
is needed please advise.  In the mean time the problem
seems to be fixed by modifying the xfce4/xinitrc file
as suggested above.  I will make a note of that but it
would be nice to have the screensaver icon in settings.

Again thanks for your help.

Bob Goodwin   Zuni, Virginia   w2bod

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