How to set up a multiuser system

Nikolas Arend Nikolas.Arend at
Wed Sep 13 21:43:14 CEST 2006

joshua crocker wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm new to this list, my name is Josh I'm a Computer Science 
> undergrad.  I also have a question.  I am in charge of a system used 
> by about six people with varying degrees of computer literacy. I had 
> to switch from gnome to xfce because of limited resources on the 
> computer.  The problem is by default when Xfce starts up it has just 
> one free floating panel with a non functional button.  I wanted to set 
> up so the existing users had a friendlier display, and so that future 
> accounts will have a similar look.  i want to accomplish this without 
> having to go into every account and fixing it, or sitting down with 
> each user and walking them through the steps of setting up their 
> desktop.  Any help doing this would be greatly appreciated.
When you're talking about a friendlier display I presume you primarily 
mean the panel and desktop. According to the freedesktop standards, the 
user config files reside in ~/.config/xfce4/, the system-wide defaults 
for the panel and desktop are in /etc/xdg/ (e.g. 
/etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/panels.xml etc). You could tweak the system-wide 
settings, which get applied when no user-specific setting can be found 
~/.config/ (e.g. in case of a newly created user profile). Is that what 
you want?

HTH,   Nick.

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