ANN: Notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.5 released

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at
Tue Sep 12 15:38:46 CEST 2006

Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:28:07 +0200 - Harold Aling <h.aling at> wrote :

> Display notifications in system tray...
> * After x seconds, hide the notification into a systray icon until
> the message is seen and acknowledged by clicking anywhere on the
> message or the 'x' button. (configurable)
> (snip)

  This can be useful, especially when someone is not behind his display.

> * Solves positioning problem and is more standards complaint (only
> one systray allowed; both Windows(tm) and Gnome(?) pop up from the
> system tray).

  GNOMEs notification daemon does not popup in the systray, and does
not appear once at time.  Windows' is ugly, and it looks more like a
giant bullet with a little arrow which points to an icon, tho it comes
with a nice default sound.

> * You can use that extremely funny cartoon style text-balloon
> graphics... ;)

  The current style is cute, why make it look like GNOME?

My 2 cents are on the bar,
-- Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)        _
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