xfce4-panel & memory cunsumption

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 20:11:49 CEST 2006

Mon, 11 Sep 2006 20:04:16 +0200 - Kresimir Spes <kreso at cateia.com>
wrote :

> fbpanel does take 2 mb's, but it has a few icons, a clock, pager and
> taskbar. but once again, I was using fbpanel as an example.

  You are not reading, fbpanel in its last version use GTK+ 2.0 and
therefore takes more than just 2MB.

For the reminder:
>> fbpanel..........................:  15.7 Mb    8.1 Mb    6.0 Mb
>> xfce4-panel......................:  20.9 Mb   11.7 Mb    6.7 Mb
>> (snip)
>> You also mentionned fbpanel. Originally, fbpanel did not use any
>> toolkit at all but Xlib. But recent versions uses gtk+ and fbpanel
>> (the latest from SF.net, version 4.5) uses also quite a lot of
>> memory. Not too far from the xfce panel, but with a lot less
>> functionality IMHO.

  Xfce4-panel is very flexible, and fbpanel is just a joke compared to

 http://massonnet.org/ Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)        _
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