xfce4-panel & memory cunsumption

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Mon Sep 11 16:33:51 CEST 2006

Kresimir Spes wrote:
> I did that too, but no luck, here's a copy/paste from gnome-system-monitor
> xfce4-panel : 4.1 MB
>     xfce-menu-plugin 5.2 MB
>     xfce-menu-plugin 4.2 MB
>     xfce-netload-plugin 3.3 MB
>     xfce-clipman-plugin 3.2 MB
>     systemload-plugin 3.0 MB
>     thunar-tpa 2.4 MB
>     genmon-plugin 1.9 MB
> now c'mon, that's just too much, not even gnome's or kde's panel take as much ram

I guess most of that is cairo and gtk/gdk private data (hello world in
GTK+ already requires 1.2MB private data). For example, thunar-tpa's
data sections take 1836kB here, but it doesn't really do anything
spectacular except connecting to the message bus daemon and displaying
an icon with the current status.

Internalizing plugins like thunar-tpa, clipman and several others may
help to reduce the overhead. But atleast in case of thunar-tpa that
requires either weird work-arounds to make sure that dbus and dbus-glib
is not unloaded or requires a panel that is already linked to dbus-glib.


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