Fedora(rawhide) and XFCE 4.4 beta 2

Erik Harrison erikharrison at gmail.com
Sun Sep 3 09:28:51 CEST 2006

On 9/3/06, Paul Michael Reilly <pmr at pajato.com> wrote:
> I bit the bullet and installed Xfce 4.4 beta 2
> (xfce4- on my rawhide system.  I installed it
> to /usr/local thinking that putting /usr/local/bin on my PATH variable
> before /usr/bin would cause the beta2 executables to run before any
> yum installed (fedora-extras-development.repo) Xfce 4.2 executables
> (/usr/bin) so my first question is: was/is this wishful thinking (that
> I could have both 4.4 beta 2 and 4.2 installed to the same system and
> not encounter serious issues)?

Officially I believe having multiple installs is unsupported. Some of
us devs do it (I do not) and in the past, attempts have lead to major
library conflicts

> I am running a dual head configuration (individual displays rather
> than xinerama).  There are two issues that pop up immediately that I
> need to solve:
> 1) there is a bar across the top of both displays that appears to be
> an orphaned panel, i.e. I cannot get rid of it (the original panel
> that was at the top has been moved to the bottom of screen 0 and works
> just fine there.
> 2) I cannot seem to use the settings->panel manager dialog to
> accomplish much with the second display.  When I click on the box
> representing the second display the dialog disappears along with all
> the applications running in the fist display.  I will need to repeat
> this a few more times before I can accurately describe what is really
> going on, so this description represents my first take.

I'm not sure what to tell you here. I don't believe any of the primary
devs use Xinerama so support has always been based on heavy reliance
on user testing. So ordinarily I'd encourage you to file some detailed
bug reports. But since you have two versions of Xfce installed....

Maybe someone more wise than me can comment here?

> I will be googling for more information on these issues so any quick
> leads to helpful information will be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -pmr
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<Bluefoxicy> kazin:  echo prints in a big empty room

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