several defects and enhacement-wishes

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Mon Oct 9 23:20:49 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Dear Sir,

samo wrote:
> should i just shut up and leave u alone?
> one of the big problems of the free software is the near-complete 
> absense of usability-analysis and _especialy_ synthesis; and the 
> hack-it-workaround-it attitude, thus making temporary solutions 
> permanent, doesnt help that either.

You were so kind and ask for that feature soooo nicely that I couldn't
resist and I have now added the feature in SVN. Of course, I count on
you for translating the new strings added by this feature in the 46
languages within the following couple of days (oh, and no need to send
the french translation, I took care of that myself). Yes, as you know,
localization is part of usability, and since we are so bad at that, I
have to count on people like you who are so knowledgeable.

> so u think it is ubuntu packaging making the troubles? mmmh. i think
> it's something else.
> i'll checkout svn-head next.

If you are talking about Ctrl+Fn shortcuts to switch workspaces (sorry,
I have to guess, because you "forgot" to properly characterize the
problem as there are different ways to switch workspaces using the
keyboard, and I searched our bugzilla database but could not find your
relevant detailed bug report yet), then yes, it's a bug that has been
fixed last Saturday (10/06) and yet to be included in Xubuntu package.
I've created a Lauchpad report for that, it's #64918.

Hope that helps,

Helping you was my pleasure, really, please come back whenever you want.

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