Windows with the urgent flag set visible on all taskbars

Terry teaman at
Sat Nov 25 00:38:55 CET 2006

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Alexander Toresson wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Some time ago in the svn versions, there was a feature that made
>> urgent windows that were flashing to appear in the taskbar on all
>> workspaces, and you were then taken to the workspace where the window
>> was when you clicked it in the taskbar. I found this to be very
>> convenient, this way I wouldn't have to switch back to the workspace
>> where I have my chat applications running to see if I had gotten any
>> new messages. So, is there any way of turning this back on again?
> I found it ridiculously annoying to the old behavior, and removed it.
> 	-brian

It may be appropriate to mention an application which I have begun using 
since switching to Xfce.

It is called AllTray and it enables you to dock a window into the system 
tray.  I have found it useful for applications (such as a notebook) 
which I invariably use on several workspaces.


If you're seeking, check out

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