Encoding issue with xfdesktop

Niki Kovacs contact at kikinovak.net
Thu Nov 2 08:06:07 CET 2006

Brian J. Tarricone a écrit :
>> The application used to translate the files for Xfce is POedit and it 
>> does not complain about anything. The "file" command issues what Olivier 
>> just wrote:
>> file ../xfce/thunar/trunk/po/fr.po
>> ../xfce/thunar/trunk/po/fr.po: UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very 
>> long lines
> Well, I have no idea what the problem could be, then...

I did some fiddling around, here's what I found.

Thunar's fr.po file seems to be OK. I took another po file (de.po) 
renamed it to fr.po. Before compiling, I did some "translations" myself, 
e. g. "Système de fichiers" for "Filesystem". And I get the same result 
as with the original (vanilla) sources: On the desktop, I see "Syst?me 
de fichiers". On the other hand, and that's curious, when I create a 
file on the desktop (e. g. in /home/kikinovak/Desktop) containing 
special characters (I don't do that normally, but it was just for 
knowing), the filename's special characters get displayed OK.

I'm on another machine now, so I write this from memory: when I exit X 
(I'm running Slackware, and I don't have GDM built yet), I see the same 
X11 error message all over the console:

xfdesktop:nnnn (...) Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_text (IIRC)

My system is Slackware 11.0, with LANG and all system locales 
fr_FR at euro. (I use many console-apps which don't handle UTF-8 well).

Ah, yes: since this system is aimed for production (computers in public 
libraries), I found a workaround and replaced "Système de fichiers" by 
"Disque", which contains no special chars :oD


Niki Kovacs

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