cannot launch some applications from within XFCE

Andrew Conkling andrew.conkling at
Tue May 30 18:56:17 CEST 2006

On 5/30/06, Alexander Toresson <alexander.toresson at> wrote:
> On 5/30/06, nusret <nbalci_l at> wrote:
> > I recently built the FOX C++ library simply to use
> > their Adie text editor, on Xubuntu Dapper with XFCE
> > 4.4.
> > When I install the built shared library *really
> > locally* (I mean, if I don't invoke ldconfig, but just
> > set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my .bashrc login script), I
> > observe the following issue:
> > When I type
> > >>adie
> > from the console, the program starts. But,
> > double-clicking in the filemanger fails to execute the
> > file.
> > If I globally install the shared library by modifying
> > /etc/ and then invoke ldconfig as root,
> > filemanager successfully executes "adie" (the text
> > editor aforementioned).
> >
> > Any idea why this happens?
> > Thank you.
> > N.
> >
> .bashrc is afaik ignored for X programs.

Just off the top of my head, would "open in terminal" for a launcher
make a difference in this case?

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