Two-state panel launcher

juha kautto.juha at
Wed May 10 13:38:22 CEST 2006

Przemek Szalko wrote:

>I've just installed the XFCE-4.4 beta release. In the earlier version
>I was using the two-state panel launcher, I've also written some bash
>scripts for it (for example: apache & mysql launcher, usb-pendrive
>mounter, and so on.. ).
>I'm wondering if there exists version of this plugin for XFCE beta?
>And what about modem-lights plugin? I've tried it from xfce-goodies,
>but it doesn't work :(
>Przemek Szalko
>Xfce mailing list
>Xfce at
Yes, xfce4-trigger-launcher is the same thing and is available from the svn.

It works a bit differently and is a bit more complicated, but it can do 
the 4.2 version two-state launcher did. Read the README, it explain how 
it works.


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