Wavelan plugin for 4.4

James Westby jw+xfce at jameswestby.net
Sat May 6 14:25:28 CEST 2006

On (06/05/06 12:36), Foxy wrote:
> James Westby wrote:
> it failed to install again. No libxfce4panel-dev package. I guess it's 
> called differently in xubuntu (Ubuntu Dapper).

I don't understand, libxfce4panel-dev sounds like the name of a package.
Do you mean libxfce4panel-1.0.pc? Are you running the 4.4 beta? Was it
the one that came with dapper?

> Anyway, I have installed it from repositories (thanks a lot to xubuntu 
> developers for packaging).

They have packaged this version? That would be obscenely quick. I've got
a Debian package, but I had a head start. What's the version number
you installed? 

> It does not work with my PCMCIA card on bcm4306 chip. I can choose the 
> in properties, but it shows "No such WaveLAN device".

What kernel version are you running?


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