Xfce 4.4 beta taskbar

Martin Krois info at creylab.com
Fri May 5 16:42:53 CEST 2006

Nick Deubert wrote:
> Martin Krois wrote:
>> Any plans if the top taskbar could be put into a panel from the 
>> beginning? I ended up killing it after messing about in various config 
>> dialogs, and finally I put a tasklist into the lower panel after 
>> screwing it up.
>> I think it will be confusing for alot of users that it behaves 
>> differently than the bottom panel.
> Why from the beginning? I like how things are setup by default and all 
> it takes is a right-click, add new item, task list and its there. To get 
> rid of the top one, just right-click -> customize panel -> select panel 
> 1 and click the "-" button.

The problem for me was it did not act as I wanted it too at all, while 
the lower panel acted as I expected I just wanted to test how easy it 
was to rearrange things completely. I could not get rid of the top 
tasklist because it was not in a panel, right click did nothing. I start 
it now and I can still not right click on it, and change it back to how 
it looked like from the start.

Also it suddenly decided that the 'hide desktop' icon was to be put in 
the right side. I think alot of this is because of beta bugs, as it 
finally ended up on the desktop under my panel and showed odd artifacts, 
never to be seen again.

I could not configure the top bar as I wanted, but I just assumed it's 
unfinished still.


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