Xfce 4.4 - Icon problem

Xavier Otazu xotazu at cvc.uab.es
Tue May 2 14:10:00 CEST 2006


	Same problem here. I also have gtk installed in a directory
(/usr) different to xfce (/opt).

	In my case I previously uninstalled, and installed
4.3.90 using graphical installer. After that I've uninstalled the gtk
engine from source (which wa installed in /opt byt the grapgical
installer) and installed in /usr, which allowed me to see the gtk+
based themes.

	I've read all the replies to this thread, and no solution
worked for me (but I've not already tried to sof link /usr/share/icons
to $HOME/.local/icons).



On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 02:59:08 +0000
xfce-request at xfce.org wrote:

> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 09:33:51 +1000
> From: roger <rstmp at iinet.com.au>
> Subject: Xfce 4.4 - Icon problem
> To: xfce at xfce.org
> Message-ID: <200604190933.51369.rstmp at iinet.com.au>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi guys,
> I just downloaded the fat tarball of Xfce 4.4 beta 1 and compiled it
> from source (I didn't use any installer).
> Basically I compiled everything except exo, mousepad, Terminal and
> Thunar (I plan to see for those later on); then I installed
> gtk-xfce-engine in /usr and the rest in /usr/local, on top of the
> previous Xfce 4.2 (I didn't remove anything prior to this new
> installation).
> Xfce 4.4 seems to start properly, the panel is there, as well as
> xfdesktop and xfwm. However, I have problems with icons - see 
> http://rmlx.dyndns.org/misc/Screenshot.png
> I created a few panel launchers. They work fine but no icons are
> displayed. Besides, the Setting Manager only displays a couple of
> icons!? Changing (general) Themes using the User Interface
> Preferences GUI seems to work flawlessly. However, nothing happens
> whatever Icon Theme I choose.
> Any pointer would be appreciated.
> I'm running Mandriva 2006 on 32-bit x86.
> Many thanks for your great work,
> Roger

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